Friday 5 November 2010

Editing Diary - Week ending Friday 5th November 2010

This was our first week in the edit suite, so it consisted of logging and capturing all the shots we are using.  It was a good opportunity to watch all the footage back as a group, making a mental note of where we want each shot and what we want to do with it. We named all the shots and I began to make the opening titles on Adobe Photoshop. As I feel most confident with this programme, the group nominated me to do this. I opened the film and video pre-set template and downloaded a suitable True Type font and carried it into Photoshop. After creating a piece of text that coincided with the themes of our short film, the most important aspect was making sure the background was transparent. This was important as we plan to have it over an existing shot of the piggy bank. I had a lot of problems with saving it as different file formats to keep the transparent background, in the end the PNG file worked, so hurrah!

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